Saturday, January 12, 2008

taking a question

answering your questions --

Marcy commented and asked, "A lot of times when I pray it feels like I'm just talking to myself not God. How can I make praying more meaningful and fulfilling?"

That is a really great comment Marcy, and a common feeling. Except for maybe in the early stages of walking with God when we are more passionate, our prayer life goes through periods of dryness and can feel lifeless, or even pointless at times. It's hard to feel God is listening especially when you have committed things to prayer and felt they have been overlooked or ignored by God.

I believe when our prayer life is seeming lifeless God is calling us into deeper intimacy with him. As Ruth Burton mentions in her book "Sacred Rhythms", it is then when God wants to spiritually "replant" us like root-bound plants. He wants to put us into larger pots so we may grow and stretch our roots into richer, deeper soil to know him better. We have the opportunity to move from just communication to richer communion with God. Don't worry, you aren't different from others on their spiritual journey. The longing in your heart is the call of the Good Shepherd. The sheep know his voice. Something inside them wants to follow that beautiful voice, even when the way seems arid sometimes. They long for the greener, lusher pastures and a walk that feels closer to the Shepherd again. You want that too, Marcy. That is very good.

There are various ways to make our prayer lives more meaningful but we don't have to go to great lengths to accomplish it, and remember, God, as always, looks at our heart. We're not jumping through hoops to get his attention. We should take a heart inventory. Is our heart cold? Is it earnestly seeking him? We don't have to come before God in prayer the same way each time, but it helps to routinely set aside time to really focus on our relationship with the One who loves us best.

Sometimes we must merely start by praying for the desire to love him more and the willingness to "be indifferent to everything else but him". Also as we enter prayer times we can start by readjusting our mindset by truly quieting ourselves first before we pray. For several minutes try to enjoy some genuine solitude. Also try at times to meditate on several scripture verses as a prelude before you enter into prayer. You may want to dwell on verses in Psalms. Maybe you can offer up several minutes of praise and worship first as you begin to reveal to God your devotion, and then move into the rest of your prayer time. For me personally, this has been a joy. I wish I wouldn't forget to this this as much as I do!

Blessings to you Marcy, and the rest of you as you desire to love God more and commune with him. Thanks  for the question. Keep them coming.

Happy New Year.

Moving the BLOG and calling it "my thoughts"

I finally transferred my electronic stuff over to this location. Now I'm hoping this format makes it a bit easier for interaction, and a bit smoother for me to keep up with updates.

My regular ethoughts by email are hard to send out as people change their emails, put on hardy spam filters, and and everything else, so this may work better.

Check back for new posts coming very soon.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.