I've been taking a short break from this wonderful summer weather, enjoying the great outdoors, and playing with my fun kids, and I've been around some blogs lately. I'll be honest, I've been really surprised!
The folks with the Christian worldview (supposedly) have been awfully self-centered and negative. However... to my surprise (and I dare say, my chagrin) the secular folks, (and some former strays from the faith) are down right fun, positive, funny, interesting, and worth reading in general. The first thought to cross my mind was. . . is there an outbreak of clinical depression going on? I'm sensing real discontent, even whining. . . What's with the oppressive tone?
So, listen... .if you're down and troubled, and you need a helping hand. And nothing, no nothing is going right--set up an appoint with your primary care physician. It's nothing to be ashamed of to seek medical treatment and pharmaceutical remedies in times of need. And yes, Jesus will be right with you, too. Doctors are professionals there to help you. Anti-depressants can be that little boost you may need to begin anew.
When your worldview isn't doing the job, you may need some community, and you may also need some meds. Really. It's okay.
New Date-FEB 20
14 years ago