Friday, January 30, 2009


I've been pondering the links between darkness and growth.

I have most often (as many do) thought of darkness with negative things or hidden things.

But now I am encountering it in a new way as of late. We dream in darkness. Seeds germinate in darkness. Winter season, the needed time of dormancy in a normal cycle of a year, has long periods of darkness-short days, long nights. These are not bad things.

And I've been thinking of "the dark night of the soul"...silence, for the better.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

UPDATE on fast


chocolate intake in general is down too.

I did enjoy a wonderful donut yesterday (glazed and chocolate covered). I split it up and had it last night and this morning.

Will I go three weeks... Class starts tomorrow.... Vending machine. GULP.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Fasting-starting with M&Ms

I've decided to add Fasting to my "rule of life" as a spiritual practice. I am starting with M&Ms. This sounds like a small thing. But, you don't have a close up of my thighs, and don't know the huge quantity of candy I've had this year. You'd think I made a New Year's resolution to eat 8lbs a month. I love the peanut + chocolate combo. Well, I'm going to practice restraint. I'm going without my favorite candy for three weeks. Starting now. (I'm chewing my last three) After I swallow these, that's it! Sure this doesn't sound so big a deal, but I get these CRAVINGS! usually after supper. I buy in bulk and I still have some in the house, so it could be hard.

The way fasting is helpful is that when you feel the pain of want you pray and focus (or refocus) on God, his provision, and worship him. He is a sustainer.

Have you ever fasted? How did it go?

Give it a try, on a small scale. Maybe just skip one meal (like lunch) in a week. Or withhold a typical treat.


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Test Subjects faired well during chocolate consumption in spiritual conversations

Four subjects were given chocolate in a controlled spiritual environment (grad class). Three were unaware of the test. One was aware. [I loved the chocolate, and ate it gratefully.]

The experiment showed that the chocolate candy was enjoyed, made the environment more productive, stimulating, and the time seemed to go more quickly.

My preliminary conclusion for this experiment is that chocolate does make life better, and may be considered as part of a spiritual practice in conjunction with other theological pursuits, as it seems to produce positive benefits. More research seems necessary, and I will gladly pursue this.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Yes, Chocolate can make life better

I'm supposed to be turning into an expert on spirituality at this point, and I don't want to just start tossed my opinions around willy-nilly quite yet, but I think I also have science on my side here too, in this case.

It seems to me that chocolate has some spiritual benefits.

I'm going to do my own research as I take my gi-NORMOUS bag of peanut M&Ms to my 9 hours of Contemporary spirituality class tomorrow.

Details to follow, if I don't get ill on the stuff.