Sunday, January 27, 2008

School starts Monday / prayer in the foyer

I have to say I don't like to drive at night. I'm a bit scared right now.

I'd like prayer for my Monday and Tuesday night drives to night classes in school term, if you would.

It should be an exciting time of school, but I want to tell you I'm nervous about the workload and the driving. I won't get home until 11 p.m. on Monday nights, and so by Wednesdays, I could be quite worn down.

Today, it was so sweet. A friend just heard my concerned at right before I walked out the church doors to get in our vehicle, she said, "Let's just pray right now." And this was really nice. It's great to feel loved like that. And I know God likes that type of thing. People just drop their route and they put their arm around youand ask for help. I think he smiles about that.

So, in that theme. How can I pray for you?
Leave a comment here, or go to my website and email me, if you want it to be private. I will lift YOU up.


Laurie M said...

You must be ecstatic that you don't need to drive in this 'wintry mix,' then!

I don't have any difficulty driving at night (which is good, since I have two evening classes this semester)--but I can certainly try to remember to pray for you as I drive!


LisaColónDeLay said...

Thanks. : )