Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Picking the best watermelon

Watermelon is a summertime favorite, but how can you pick the best choice?

Here are a couple of tips.

  1. 1. Like other fruits, check for soft spots or obvious visible damage to the rind, like rotten areas, and bruising.

    2. For your best chance at a sweet, ripe pick give them all a solid thump, with your fist, right in the middle of the long side. If you hear a ‘thud’ sound, it’s not quite ready. If you hear a nice, hollow sound then that is the melon for you. Test a few to notice the difference. A thud is a more full sound, and a hollow is lighter, more ringing sound. You can practice thumping full and half full plastic containers to get the hang of it. 

    Happy melon munching!

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