Saturday, December 6, 2008

Disappearing . . .

When I was young sometimes I would get the sense that if I closed my eyes I might completely disappear. I might not just sink into the floor or fade like a vapor-though sometimes I wondered that too-but maybe I wouldn't exist because I was not existing. Was I there if I felt invisible and unnoticed? Was it possible to disappear? Does this speak in some way of how a child absorbs things that are less than loving-neglectful things; or is this more of creativity and how one imagines and gets use to one's metaphysics?

Remembering that, and the potential adult manifestations of those sorts of topics, gets me to thinking about love. It seems it can bring us back, to life. It can make us reappear, maybe something like clapping for Tinkerbell could bring her back to fairy-ness.

But too, I think that disappeared person has to be able to feel that love first too. Those perceptions cannot be too deadened. If one's been under the ice too long and gotten too numb, a quick warm up does not "do the trick". Then the cut off has been too great, though a thaw can happen, rescuers must be patient.

How do we make people reappear?

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