Sometimes when you have an opinion, or make an observation... even an incredibly obvious one, you can be crucified for it (socially I mean). Sometimes physically, but not usually, of course, at least not in my country.
You can get maligned.
You have to ask yourself the important question, in those cases. If you can save a person, (or persons) from potential damage, you should try to do it, even if it costs you dearly. Even if its unpopular. Even if the discomfort of the pointing out the obvious will target you for revenge of the inner guilt you rouse in others.
Trying for the best isn't easy or safe. I'm not perfect. I've made mistakes. Like Eve, I been deceived by a serpent or two. In learning from those mistakes I hope to save some lambs from the jaws of some wolves, even wolves in sheep's clothing if that's the case, if at all possible.
This use to really surprise me, even depress me how hard it was to do well, or better. It does not surprise me any more. It's hardest among people you would hope it would be easiest. There you have it!
Spiritual formation is a journey. We have to try to for the best. When we fail we have to keep trying. I FAIL. I must press on.
New Date-FEB 20
14 years ago
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